2016 Goal Planning and my Powersheets

Gosh, I can't believe in just two days, 2015 will be officially gone and we all will be welcoming 2016. I know you probably hear this all the time but where has the year gone?! I am a firm believer that the days are long but the years are short and even more so as I watch my boys quickly get older and more independent. At the end of each year, I like to take time and really think about what's to come for the upcoming year and set goals for myself. This is my second year using the Power Sheets by Lara Casey and I highly recommend them. I feel that when I thoughtfully think out and write down my goals, I can hold myself accountable for them and will be more likely to achieve them and the Power Sheets makes it really easy to focus on my goals overall and on a monthly basis. 

The beginning section of the workbook is probably the hardest section for my personally. It starts with you really getting personal about fears, your what has been working with you and what has not. Sometimes it's hard to be honest because you feel the it needs to be positive but to achieve your goals and truly "grow" as a person, I suggest you be honest with yourself because let's face it, we aren't perfect! 

When it came time for my WHY, it is always the same each year and my WHY is always my family and I love including a personal photo of my family in my Power Sheets as a visual to keep working hard to make my dreams come true. As for my word for this year, I have decided it would be grow. I really want to "grow" more in 2016 in my faith, my family, my work, and in love. If you had to pick one word for the year, what would it be? I would love to hear! 

After the hard work and processing is complete, the Power Sheets are then broken down monthly with an awesome Monthly Prep Checklist for you to break down your goals on a monthly basis and to document how the month went so you can prepare for the next month. 

Another thing I like to do at the beginning of the year is to refresh my board. I keep this cork board on my desk as a daily reminder of positive affirmations and the positive people in my life plus it just makes me extra happy when I am working at my desk. So there you are friends, it may not be perfect but it's my goal planning in a nutshell. I also want to say, don't be scare to write your goals down and dream big. The bigger the better and honestly, if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough and you were destine for great things. I would love to hear your goal planning strategy and how you account for your goals in the comment below. Happy Goal Planning friends!