My Goals for 2021


Let’s chat about goals because normally I would have chose my word of the year and already have my goals set for the New Year but after an unforgettable year like 2020, I honesty wasn’t sure what to think however, I am an goal oriented person and I feel like to make this year the best that it can be then I needed to set some goals to work towards and keep propelling forward so here I am setting my goals + intentions.


I completely believe to be the best version of yourself and for others then you must take care of yourself first and 2020 has definielty made me stop and focus more on myself and I want to continue that into the New Year and truly focus on what is important to me and hone in on it. I want to leave the fluff out and focus on creating better routines for myself and actually sticking to it. Moving my body more and also learning to be ok with relaxing and not always having to work on something all the time.

Self care is important and not selfish at all.


As for goals + intentions for our family + home, I want to continue to keep a clean and clutter free home as it plays a big role on my mental status since I work from home. It helps me have a clear mindset when I need to get work done and not feel bothered by all the chaos that is happening around me. I also want to be more intentional with family time and truly being present in the moment and soaking up as much time as we can together and hopefully travel more.


When I thinking of what I wanted my work + business goals to me, the main thing that I kept thinking of was to streamline. I have been so busy being in the business that I haven’t taken time to truly work on my businesses and streamline things so that I don’t always feel like | have to be working 24/7 and also to be able to eventually hired someone in house and delegate some of the work that could be done by someone else and most likely, someone that could probably do it better then I can because I am just one person and I can’t excel in everything that I do and I know that an extra set of hands would make a huge difference in my work life. I also have big dreams to work with some of my favorite brands + to expand MICALE LYNN and I can’t do that if I don’t how to streamline things better and strategically plan things out in advance.

I know these goals don’t seem like life changing but in my mindset, small steps lead to big victories and for me to actually get anything accomplished, I need to work on the small steps to hopefully get me to the big picture. So, there you have it! These are my goals + intentions for 2021 and I am feeling very hopeful for this New Year and excited to see what what 2021 will bring to me, my family and my businesses!

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